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New Report Suggests Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Crash was Deliberate

A new report suggests a pilot deliberately flew Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on “false trails” to make it impossible to track the doomed Boeing 777. Additional research suggests Zaharie Ahmad Shah went out of his way to carefully plan a flight path that would ultimately end with the aircraft crashing.

A new analysis of data from the doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 suggest the pilot went out of their ways to obfuscate their intentions and hide the final resting place of the aircraft. Australian Broadcasting Company News reports data reviewed by a group of independent scientists suggests the final moments of the Boeing 777 aircraft were incredibly deliberate, with the goal of hiding the aircraft forever.

MH370 Flight Plan “Carefully Planned” to Confuse Search parties

Leading the group analyzing the data is Richard Godfrey, an aerospace engineer who has been investigating the MH370 mystery for years. With renewed focus on the weak signal propagation report (WSRP) – a network of radio signals crisscrossing the globe – Godfrey believes it could be possible to find the aircraft.

According to the researchers and their interpretation of the information, it’s suspected that pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah made a set of turns and speed changes to disguise the aircraft’s route. With possible knowledge of radar operations across the South Indian Ocean, the moves were deliberately planned to hide the aircraft for good.

“The pilot of MH370 generally avoided official flight routes from 18:00 UTC (2:00am AWST) onwards,” Godfrey told ABC News. “But used waypoints to navigate on unofficial flight paths in the Malacca Strait, around Sumatra and across the Southern Indian Ocean.”

Between that knowledge and the WSPR signals, Godfrey believes its now possible to determine not only where the aircraft went, but where it ultimately crashed. Debris and luggage found from the flight confirms the Boeing 777 airframe went down and broke up.

“With the WSPR data provided every two minutes and the ability to check against the satellite data every hour it is possible to detect and track MH370 from two independent sources,” Godfrey told ABC News. He continued that the addition of “credible new evidence that was not available during the previous underwater searches” could aid in discovering the flight’s remains.

MH370 Disappeared in 2014, Has Not Yet Been Found

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on the night of March 8, 2014, with 239 souls on board. Despite multiple searches by Australian and Malaysian authorities, the actual airframe has yet to be found. The most recent search concluded in 2018, with no success, while experts concluded the flight was a “murder-suicide” by one of the pilots in the same year.

thebug622 May 20, 2021

Mr Godfrey has as much credibility in his assumption then anyone who read his story.,this is nonsense..I mean is the moon made of cheese simply because Mr Godfrey believes it is?

SamirD May 19, 2021

It will be nice to find the airframe and help bring closure to those that lost someone in the tragedy.

CPRich May 18, 2021

If “experts concluded the flight was a “murder-suicide”” in 2018, it’s unclear what this “new report suggests”.

cmd320 May 14, 2021

Wasn’t this a widely accepted conclusion two years ago or more?

brenc3 May 13, 2021

One of the better long form pieces on MH370, in The Atlantic, comes to much the same conclusion https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/07/mh370-malaysia-airlines/590653/