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Rick Ingersoll, also known as "The Frugal Travel Guy," is an expert in frugal traveling and flying for free. His mission is to help people see the world at affordable prices, just as he's done for himself. Rick is an expert in rooting out the best travel deals and accumulating airline frequent flyer miles and hotel points.

To date, he's collected over 5 million frequent flyer miles and used it to visit 63 different countries at deeply discounted prices.

Rick has put together the most comprehensive source for finding great travel reward credit card offers with excellent signup bonuses and benefits. Read his reviews below to see who Rick thinks is bringing the most value to travelers today!

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Annual Fee
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I don't pay for the products or services I write about, except those I purchased for my personal use. In almost all cases, the manufacturer or service provider approaches me first and provides a product or an access to the service for free. I don't speak or act on behave of a product manufacturer or service provider. Instead, I always give my honest options about a product or service in posts where such a product or service is mentioned If I create a link to a product or service in a post, that link may be an affiliate link. If you decide to purchase the product or service through an affiliate link, I will get paid a commission. Any rate information or third party offers listed on this site could change without advanced notice and may be out of date. For the latest rate or offer information, please consult with the concerned party. I strive to keep all information on this site up to date, however that's not always possible given how quickly those information could change.