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CXSQFFlyer Sep 16, 2014 2:48 am

Cathay Pacific versus Singapore Airlines. Which is best for Frequent Flyers?
You might be thinking that these two airlines are 2 of the best airlines in Asia, and they might be… They both enjoy great reputations within the industry and are the recipients of many self-promoting airline awards. But, this does not mean that they are completely similar or similar at all. And it does not mean you would want to choose to travel on one as easily as the other.

If you are a frequent flyer, flying relatively short economy class sectors around Asia, buzzing around between Hong Kong, Taipei, Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore, Hanoi, Manila, then this airline review and comparison is for you. I’m a frequent flyer doing exactly that. I only fly business class if the sector is over 5 hours, which is eminently practical, but that is not so frequently, so it’s mostly economy class for me. If you’re deciding whether to set up base in Hong Kong or Singapore and you’re a frequent flyer and the airline experience could be a factor in deciding which city to live in, then you definitely need to read this.

You have probably guessed by now, that these 2 airlines are in fact offering a vastly different level of service when it comes to frequent flyers like me. I never would have guessed this fact, but it wasn’t until I relocated from Hong Kong to Singapore that I realized the stark difference… Now, I’m not going to regurgitate a lot of technical details about their respective frequent flyer programs which you can read on their respective website. I’m not a travel writer and so I’m not suggesting that what follows is entirely comprehensive or beautifully written, but it is real and objective. I’m writing this from the perspective of a seasoned frequent flyer, a person that has travelled extensively on both airlines boarding around 200 flights over the last 2 and a half years. I’m a current Diamond Marco Polo member with CX and an Elite Gold Class member with SQ. In both cases it’s the highest level you can go as a frequent flyer, flying mostly economy class around Asia. So in many ways it’s a fair comparison…..However, before I was a Diamond Marco Polo member I was a Gold Class Marco Polo member and occasionally I will make reference to this (and other classes) as well since it is more equivalent to the SQ Elite Gold Class.

Now, when it comes to airline experience there are different components to this, so I’ll sectionalize them as follows;

1. The Frequent Flyer Program,
2. Service on the ground,
3. Service in the air.

Let’s start!

The Frequent Flyer Program

CX: With CX, the more you fly the higher up the Marco Polo ladder you climb. It’s based on miles or sectors whether or not its economy class or business class. In other words, it is a reward program based on how frequently you fly, that’s all. You get rewarded for frequent travel whether you’re at the front or at the back of the plane…

SG: With SG, it’s very different. You could fly around Asia all day, every day but you will never get higher than KrisFlyer Elite Gold Class. You can read on below to see what that means. In SQ, if you want to be recognized as a premium customer, you need $$$ and not just $$$. It is based on how much you spend in Business or First class only. If you spend enough $$$ in business class you will enter the PPS club. It’s an elitist system which largely ignores frequent flyers on full priced tickets keeping the airline afloat in the back of the plane. Huge difference….

CX Entry level member: A CX Marco Polo green card gets you priority boarding and check-in and other benefits. Online you can nominate your seat preference. Not bad..

SQ Entry Level member: Entry level KrisFlyer… No benefits that I recall… nothing….

CX Silver:
You get access to the Business class lounge.

SQ Silver:
Again, no significant benefits… Might be an increased baggage allowance, not sure but that’s all….. No lounge access.

CX Gold:
Access to Business class check-in. Access to Business Class lounge for you and a friend also flying on the same airline. Guaranteed seat on any flight with 48 hours’ notice. Occasional upgrades to Premium economy and business class.

SQ Gold:
Access to the KrisFlyer lounge. SG also operate separate First Class and Business class lounges where possible. The KrisFlyer lounge is the bottom level lounge, and you feel it. Still no seat preference allowed. No guaranteed Seat for advance booking. You can get access to a couple of KrisFlyer Gold Check-in counters hidden behind the Business Class counters in their terminals, but they don’t sign it, just to rub in that feeling of being a second class customer. Fee upgrades to Premium Economy….? Oh, sorry, but there is no premium economy… Free upgrades to Business Class…?, Oh, sorry, but as my father used to say “hell might freeze over before that happens”…..

CX Diamond:
Access to first class check-in counters. Access to first class lounge. Guaranteed seat with 24 hours’ notice. Seat blocking in economy class….. All great stuff and really helpful when travelling on business frequently on full flights… Free electric cart to remote lounges/gates. Frequent upgrades to Premium economy and Business class.

SQ Diamond:
DOES NOT EXIST…. Bottom line, SQ cut you off at Elite Gold Class and forget about you….

CX: Recent flight experience: Recently I flew SIN-HKG-TPE-HKG-MNL-SIN. On the first sector I choose CX of course. Why would I choose SIN when there is absolutely no benefit once you have done enough sectors to maintain Elite Gold status? On the SIN-HKG sector I was upgraded by CX to Business Class, nice. HKG-TPE, I could enjoy the first CX class lounge for a decent meal. They also blocked the seat next to me so it was very comfortable. TPE-HKG I got to TPE airport early and at the CX First Class check-in counters they managed to put me on an earlier flight. Not only that they moved my HKG-MNL connection forward and even with only a tight 30min transfer time they allowed it. CX blocked the seat next to me and put me on the emergency exit row so it was very comfortable. Half way through the flight, in chatting with the cabin manager and my upcoming tight connection, they moved me to the front row in business class after the meal service…. Really helpful. On arrival at HKG a CX lady was waiting to escort me to the MNL flight, which was nice even though I knew the way and was ready to march quickly…. No problems catching the connection down to MNL and again they blocked the seat next to me in economy, so very comfortable…

SQ Recent Flight experience: The problem I have with SQ is that they do ‘sometimes’ try to give you a good seat as an Elite Gold member, it’s just that they are not going to be transparent about it. For example, 2 days after the above experience with CX, I flew SQ from Singapore to Hanoi return. Both flights were about 85% full and they did manage to allocate an aisle seat near the front of economy class and the seat next to me was empty, which was nice, but don’t think for a minute that they are going to be helpful at the check-in desk and let you know what’s really going on, such as actually blocking the seat next to you.

On the Ground

CX Check-in at HKG:
CX First class check in… No comparison…..enough said…

SQ Check-in at SIN:
Once I did find the Krisflyer Gold Class check-in counters……, it was ok. A bit of a queue.. nothing special… Not keen to help out on special requests.

CX Airport Lounges at HKG:
The first class lounge at HKIA is really second to none with ala-cart service in the dining room. Waiter service in the open seating areas. The business class lounge is also fantastic. With a great array of food and people making real coffee…
The CX lounges also have a greater range of seating options depending on whether or not you’re in a group, need privacy or need to work on a lap top.

SQ Airport Lounges at SIN:
The new KrisfFlyer lounge at T3 is comfortable but really light-years off the CX experience. No personalised service and with average food.
In my last experience in Changi Airport T3 KrisFlyer lounge, there were no decent eggs and no bacon on offer. There were 3 self-service cappuccino machines, all of which were not working because they had no milk….. I had to leave and go to Starbucks….. In my last experience in the T2 KrisFlyer lounge, there not even any freshly cut fruit for breakfast….. Seating options are limited and repetitive, and seats not conducive to working on a laptop…

CX and SQ Airport lounges in destination ports: This is a more difficult comparison as there is great variation with both airlines…, I will leave this.

In the Air

CX meals:
CX offers a choice of 2 main courses, as well as catering for special needs if booked in advance. On short sectors you will not get a proper meal, just a snack which is really not good enough when flying at meal times.

SQ meals:
SQ offers a choice of 2 main courses, as well as catering for special needs if booked in advance. The difference being that SQ hand out a menu.

CX Hand Towels:
None on CX

SQ Hand Towels:
Before Take off you get a hot hand towel, which is nice. The only problem for me is that this comes before I start reading the newspaper, instead of afterwards..

CX Seats:
The new CX seats are the best but they are still running a lot of aircraft with older seats.

SQ Seats:
SQ also running new and old seats. Not much difference here.

CX Entertainment System:
The CX system is better when you get the new seats. The biggest screens. All airline entertainment systems seem to suffer from poor quality headsets and sound experience…

SQ Entertainment System:
For some reason SQ seem to think that passengers like to manually put on the headset ear piece covers. The foam covers come separately packaged and you have to put them on yourself. A finicky job which often ends up with something on the floor.

CX Entertainment System Cutoff:
On CX they cut off the entertainment system and collect your headsets shortly after starting decent. It’s often happened that they do this and then we are put into a holding pattern flying around without the entertainment system for up to 40 minutes or longer. Not great….

SQ Entertainment System Cutoff:
On SQ they do not cut off the entertainment system till you land. They collect headset on decent but it’s not compulsory so you can keep watching your movie till the end. Better… They also start the entertainment system before take-off…

CX Flight attendants:
CX fast, efficient, courteous.

SQ Flight Attendants:
SQ also very good. Probably give out a few more smiles than the CX staff.

CX and SQ Entry level Frequent Flyers up to Silver level:
Not really much difference here in how you’re recognized in the cabin.

CX Gold Member:
Cabin section head will greet you. Occasionally the Cabin Manager boss dressed in black will greet you.

SQ Gold Member:
Nothing. No greeting. You’re really a nobody….., even if you fly with these guys every day.

CX Diamond Member:
Cabin Manger dressed in black will greet you. Free bottle of Evian water.

SQ Diamond Member: DOES NOT EXIST………


In summary, if you have a choice, and if you fly frequently in economy class and your flying experience is important to you, then fly Cathay Pacific and not Singapore Airlines. If your home city is just a base to fly around Asia, then live in Hong Kong and not Singapore.
Hong Kong is a better and cheaper place to live in my opinion, but that’s the discussion of another blog….

The bottom line here is that Cathay Pacific truly rewards, recognizes and greets all passengers, including economy class passengers for frequent travel.

Singapore Airlines on the other hand run an elitist program based solely on how much money you spend in Business class (PPS Club), whilst providing token benefits for economy class frequent flyers which really does come across as second class…..

As you can see it’s not just about the points and how to redeem them, it's the experience and treatment you get earning them!

mitwg Sep 16, 2014 3:32 am

I think this is a great post. When I was reading through it, it did seem a bit biased towards CX but given the restrictions (Y flights only), it makes sense.

I think its still unfair to compare CX DM to KF EG though. If you are flying exclusively on economy, KF in the first place is probably the wrong program to credit *A miles to, when considering you can get lifetime *G with OZ for example for only 500k accrued (that's only 5 years of CX DM level flying), not to mention 12 years mileage expiry.

One thing that SQ trumps CX on is with the fleet. The CX hard product across Asia is so inconsistent due to frequent aircraft swaps, including to medium haul destinations like DXB. Not so much a problem on Y, but it still is an issue, and SQ is far more consistent in this aspect.

And the quality of the lounges outside of the home HKG/SIN ports respectively, I think the Silverkris lounges are generally better than CX counterparts.

Lastly, one thing that that is a plus for the KF program is the ability to do Y -> J upgrades with miles. Its not great value in terms of miles spent, but I feel it is much more accessible than CX Y -> J upgrades due to two reason:

-No PE so you can upgrade straight from Y -> J (obviously not a huge issue for CX intra-Asia flights however)
-There's less difference between the super saver Y fares vs. upgradable Y fares, unlike CX where the difference is larger

So yeah, I'd agree that CX still wins out, but I don't think its as one-sided as its been said above.

lingua101 Sep 16, 2014 3:58 am

The other thing I do not like about CX MPC is no sector credit on sub class below V.

It will be good if they give sector credit aslo on those classes

Guy Betsy Sep 16, 2014 4:04 am

This really is an incomplete listing on the benefits of either FFPs...

On CX, there is life above Diamond, and that is Diamond Plus, and Diamond Invitation.

Originally Posted by CXSQFFlyer (Post 23533239)

SQ Diamond Member: DOES NOT EXIST………


On SQ, there's life above KF Gold and that's PPS, Solitaire and LT Solitaire.

Once you factor these other above and beyond levels, then you might have a better comparison.

creampuff Sep 16, 2014 4:49 am

The other thing to consider is that the chance of getting an op-up (ie econ->biz) on Singapore is basically zero. On Cathay it can happen.

tboons Sep 16, 2014 4:54 am

How about flights redemption and awards availability?

jagmeets Sep 16, 2014 5:16 am

Cathay Pacific versus Singapore Airlines. Which is best for Frequent Flyers?
tboons - Imho- better straight up with SQ, but much better for CX elites.

Fuel surcharges better on CX.

F&B better on SQ.

Lounge access - better on CX (no of guests, when one has access etc).

Regional hardware better on SQ, but they stretch the definition of regional (8hrs odd, wheras with CX you get longhaul product on most flights >4 hrs).

Longhaul hardware better on CX.

Seat guarantees- way better on CX (SQ recently started in coach but on v high fareclasses only, and only for the highest status holders- used to be guaranteed coach seat if booking biz).

Soft aspects- wayyy better on CX imho.

mitwg Sep 16, 2014 5:51 am

Originally Posted by creampuff (Post 23533477)
The other thing to consider is that the chance of getting an op-up (ie econ->biz) on Singapore is basically zero. On Cathay it can happen.

True, but also, for those who deserve it the most (Lifetime, Solitaire & PPS) would already be flying in F/J most of the time, due to the way PPS works. I wouldn't think a Solitaire would fly in Y much, if at all.

I actually like the no-upgrade policy as I'd rather have my J seat next to me free on the A330 config, rather than have a full cabin because Y was oversold.

And op-up from J to F/R would be nice, if it ever happened, but its obviously not as of much value as from Y to J, which again doesn't impact most PPS members.

CXFlyerBoy Sep 16, 2014 8:57 am

OP sums up the game in his post. Add reasonable pricing for tickets even in J that's where I have taken my business to CX in the last two years and have convinced my employers to use them north Asia and north Americas.

An unspoken perk, if a four class craft operates a regional pax, J pax who are MPC members get to select rows 1 and 2. Never ever going to get that in SQ.

goingbananas Sep 16, 2014 9:09 am

Interesting post on traveling in Y with SQ and CX.

I can see where on SQ there is a significant difference/gap between the Y traveler and premium cabin one. I will say as a PPS, I try to get just enough booked to reach that 25K level in F and (mostly J) to stay at that level. The rest, I try to put on CX since I am flying across the board with (Y for short hops on CX 2 hr flights out of HKG, J for 3+ hr flights and rare occasion...F) my OW AA number to get the benefits as with SQ, there is no real benefits riding in the back.

midlevels Sep 16, 2014 8:57 pm

Originally Posted by Guy Betsy (Post 23533383)
This really is an incomplete listing on the benefits of either FFPs...

On CX, there is life above Diamond, and that is Diamond Plus, and Diamond Invitation.

On SQ, there's life above KF Gold and that's PPS, Solitaire and LT Solitaire.

Once you factor these other above and beyond levels, then you might have a better comparison.

From the perspective of an Economy Class traveller (which OP says that he is), it's really not incomplete at all. Diamond Plus can't apply to OP if he travels in Y only, and Invitation is a legacy status not open to new entrants, so both are irrelevant here.

On SQ, for a Y traveller, QPPS, TPPS, LPPS all basically don't exist (for premium passengers LPPS, like CX Invitation status is a legacy one only for those who already have it).

As someone who was SQ KF Gold before moving over to CX, I think OP's summary is spot on and very complete for those who travel Y+/Y.

For a Y traveller the "glass ceiling" is DM on CX and KF Gold on SQ. CX DM blows KF Gold totally out of the water. Even CX GO is much better than KF Gold.

SQ doesn't even pretend to offer Business class style benefits to KF Gold members. The KrisFlyer lounges are a joke and entry into the real business class SilverKris lounges is not permitted even for KF Gold members.

lingua101 Sep 16, 2014 9:11 pm

Originally Posted by jagmeets (Post 23533537)

Regional hardware better on SQ, but they stretch the definition of regional (8hrs odd, wheras with CX you get longhaul product on most flights >4 hrs).

Longhaul hardware better on CX.

I think this is got to do with the geographical location. CX has advantages on this, as most (if not all) of their "regional" flight is really within 4-5 hours. Where for SQ some of the "regional" flight goes beyond 4-5 hours.

I disagree that CX longhaul hardware is better. I flew HKG-YYZ on 77W in Y. I think SQ Y in A380/77W and A330 is much better. Better seat, better IFE. Can't say much on C or F

lingua101 Sep 16, 2014 9:18 pm

Originally Posted by Guy Betsy (Post 23533383)
This really is an incomplete listing on the benefits of either FFPs...

On CX, there is life above Diamond, and that is Diamond Plus, and Diamond Invitation.

On SQ, there's life above KF Gold and that's PPS, Solitaire and LT Solitaire.

Once you factor these other above and beyond levels, then you might have a better comparison.

I think this statement is not so correct. KF and PPS are not in the same class right?

If you just purely flying economy you cannot go beyond KF Gold.

PPS/Solitaire is only for premium class. So in away, not so true there is life above KF Gold, as you can get anything more than KF Gold even you fly 200,000 miles per year on SQ Y.

I think MPC Diamond, can be reached even you solely flying Y. Not sure about Diamond Plus.

In general I have to agree MPC is much better than KF. If CX starts giving elite sector on any sub class below V (even may be only 25% sector), this will be perfect for me.

jagmeets Sep 16, 2014 10:23 pm

Originally Posted by lingua101 (Post 23538073)

I disagree that CX longhaul hardware is better. I flew HKG-YYZ on 77W in Y. I think SQ Y in A380/77W and A330 is much better. Better seat, better IFE. Can't say much on C or F

Was referring to the J seats specifically. And I quite like CX's F seat..classy, great space, privacy and functional, yet, not tacky. SQ F I feel is definitely inferior and the Suites, while having a zing to them, comparable.

Y- think that the old CX seats were ones seem to be quite the same on CX/SQ?

lingua101 Sep 16, 2014 10:44 pm

Originally Posted by jagmeets (Post 23538282)
Was referring to the J seats specifically. And I quite like CX's F seat..classy, great space, privacy and functional, yet, not tacky. SQ F I feel is definitely inferior and the Suites, while having a zing to them, comparable.

Y- think that the old CX seats were ones seem to be quite the same on CX/SQ?

I only fly once on CX new biz class from HKG-PVG on my birthday upgrade. Definitely is a better product compare to the fish bone. But I do not like the way the put the TV (angle), hence you have to stow the TV on take off and landing. So no great landing view when you fly C but you can if you fly Y :)

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